
Although Buddha Recitation is easily practiced, its ultimate attainment of samadhi (the paramita of single-minded concentration) is extremely difficult to accomplish. We can classify our progress into four stages of development.

The first stage is to be keenly aware that we are living in a saha world that carries with it all of the impurities and suffering that permeate our lives.

The second stage is to acknowledge the laws of karma, constantly realizing that our cycles of birth and death are caused by our past and present karma.

In the third stage one becomes able to chant sincerely and devotedly from one's heart in thought after thought. You have attained paramartha (knowledge of the absolute truth), and the recitation is pure and single-minded in nature. Under these conditions, we are willing to sever our karmic attachments to people. Our body, speech and mind are unified during the recitation.

The fourth stage is achieving the Diamond Mind (vajrasattva), which encompasses the Four Immeasurables of loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity.